The Historic Pantheon of Tenacity

Dear Readers

I am pleased to introduce to you the author of the Kim's game Mr. Rudyard Kipling, writer, holder of the Nobel Prize for literature, born December 30th1865 in Bombay, within British India and died in London on January 18th 1936.This is the first writer to receive the Nobel Prize for literature.

Due to life circumstances , Which have been favorable to the development of my youth, in 1958, at age 15, I was part of a scout clan for several years, our leader was Henri Tiri Laplante, died on March 3, 2024, at the age of 88 years and 10 months. He was a friendly, exemplary man, and a perfect leader, who knew how to get me to the Queen's scout stage. On a night of gathering, he asked the clan members if anyone was interested in getting the badge, scout of the queen. So as a result of my character and tenacity to want to progress and report within our clan, he found the famous interior and exterior Kim's games (game of observation and memorization). Game was improved to version Don, thanks to the current computer interior game where you will have the pleasure to participate, while increasing your knowledge about the experiences of inductees with gifted tenacity, thanks to their courage, patience and perseverance (CPP).

I played this game Kim for the first time in 1958 in order to obtain one of the four badges necessary to receive the one from the Queen Scout. This badge was awarded with a certificate sent personally by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and the World Scout leader, on his third trip to Canada July 28th, 1959, in Fredericton, NB, Capital of NB. From our clan, we were 11 scouts out of 113 (if memory serves) of different clans within Canada to receive the highest given award to merit, for our tenacity. Taken into consideration that a proportion of the 100 million Scouts of the previous century, very little had received this honor.


As a result, this resulted in the famous Kim's game from the Historical Tenacity Pantheon, indoor game, therefore you will have the joy of playing on the internet, while receiving your historic Pantheon certificate as a souvenir with the test result sent by email.

So I take this opportunity to introduce the concept of Sportoasis and invite you to come on vacation in the 3 Borders Sports Oasis sector of the legendary Republic of Madawaska, capital of the "ploye", region of the brayons, at a convention to play the famous exterior Kim's game. This recreational outdoor excursion from the Petit Témis unfolds on the bike path by walking or cycling, from Rivière-du-Loup to Edmundston, over a course of 135 km between the wonderful Appalachian mountain ranges, along Lake Témiscouata and the Madawaska River. However, for people who want to shorten the 60 km tour, the question period for Kim's game starts from the relay Fort Ingall in Cabano and ends at the Fortin Little Falls in Edmundston.

Also, people coming to the legendary Republic of Madawaska region for a convention will have the happiness of staying a few more days. They will also have the pleasure of doing the outdoor excursions City Tour and "Petit Témis", (as explained at the reception) as well as Malobiannah, without the Kim's game, with a cano ride down the Saint John River, Which separates the United States of America and Canada, from Edmundston to Grand Falls, on a 65-kilometer course, and if the person wishes to return by bike, a 130-kilometer course, for a total of 265 kilometers.

So while you stay in this leisure outdoor sport oasis, you will have the honor to tour the three cities with the exterior Kim's game, which are Rivière-du-loup, Edmundston and Grand Falls.

To the reader interested in listening to the song Madawaska, ma republic, by Jean Boucher, singer, composer, country western francophone: (song)

Jean Boucher Biographie

Therefore, since each project meets these difficulties (demons), here are the most important ones, which I have been confronted with, since 2007, and which I tell you in all honesty in Bio, which is further down. However, I am aware that it is due to their adversity and malice towards me that the project has become what it is today. Thank God, I took the negative to make positive. Glory to Jesus-Christ, the Eternal! Alleluia!

Historical Tenacity Pantheon Biography of 2006 to 2023

Here is a brief overview of some of the difficulties encountered in preparing this great and wonderful project.

Therefore, this site consisted of selling certificates in order to improve the financial situation of the scout and national guide movement. However, officials from Canadian Scout associations have refused affiliation with Scout Palace Inc. Therefore, due to a contest of negative circumstances, becomes, over the years, Panthéon H. tenacity Inc., became the Historical Pantheon of Tenacity.

My reputation damage (slander)

Mr. Robert Nowlan, general director of the Scout Association of Canada, rather preferred to cause me harm which was written and scattered on the Net, by creating false information, towards myself, obstructing furthermore certain words malicious and defamatory towards me, without even knowing me (prejudged). Unfortunely, since that day, a bandit inscribed ball has been attached to my ankle.

However, it should not be overlooked that the president of the Association of Former Scouts and Guides in the city of Edmundston, Ms. Gertrude (Gert) Levesque Michaud, a navel-gazer, who takes herself for the navel of the world, due to a character defect arising from his temperament. Unfortunately, became a supporter and partner in crime of my detractor, creating a boycott within the local scout Association regarding the events of the Centennial of World Scouting 1907-2007. Also, concerning the Baden Powell virtual scout palace, which scouts canada attempted to copy, a few years later, with the site which has been discontinued for the moment; after being warned that he plagiarized me. So, if scouts canada still wants this concept, which is ninety-five percent ready, i agree to make an agreement with the current francophone leadership of the canadian scout movement.

Despite all the problems experienced concerning this controversy, and due to my great love for the philosophy of this youth movement, which the scout and guide movement, I am pleased to bequeath, after an agreement, this concept for a dollar.

When we live in a society where there are a lot of sprawling networks of camaraderie, they communicate with each other to say: "Mr. Robert Nowlan, director of Scout Canada has installed a ball on his ankle inscribed bandit with the desire to harm him ". However, it was in a way a good deed (BA) and it helped me enormously to design and develop this project and especially this good controversy regarding In summary, I made the positive with the negative despite this burden.

Therefore, it is obvious that my detractor made certain defamatory remarks creating prejudice to me in order to harm me and to abort this project. In 2006, this project consisted of organizing a festivity for the association of former scouts and guides in the region for a special occasion, that of the Centenary of World Scouting 1907-2007. In addition to an induction certificate for the Baden-Powell Virtual Scout Palace for former Boy Scouts and Guides globally. On February 23, 2007, I sent my project to the Association scout francophone du Canada, so it was first received by Mr. Pierre Desmarteaux, Deputy Director General and that is when the problems started. So, as you can see, the project has evolved a lot since then. The only person who openly encouraged me in this project since 2006 is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, world scout leader, having replied to the letter dated July 21, 2009. And i state in the last line "In the meantime, I send you my best wishes for the continued success of your project.

Also, following various meetings with certain mayors during the summer of 2010, according to them, the project is viable and very interesting: They are the following mayors: Mr. Michel Morin of Rivière-du-Loup, Mr. Jacques Asselin of Cabano and Mr. Claude Lavoie from Dégelis Qc.

However, both mayors of my municipality, including former mayor at the time of the World Scouting Centennial, Mr. Gérald Allain, former scout and school principal, and his councillors, have inadvertently neglected to take me seriously and to verify certain defamatory utterances about me (slander) and, through their inertia, became accomplices to those lies. When I met with Mr. Allain for the first time regarding this project, he asked me if I was working under the head of an association such as the Foire brayonne and I told him: I prefer to keep my hat on instead of getting head lice (other people's problems). It is much more intelligent to put spices in my stew (project) as I please, in the same manner as a chief cook adds spices as he pleases in order for his stew to be a success. You must not ignore that many projects have been aborted and destroyed because of certain stakeholders who wanted to add their grain of salt. The moral of this story is: sometimes it is better to work alone in order for your stew to be a success (project).

When I met Mr. Allain for the second time, he showed me a number of letters and emails received from Mr. Robert Nowlan and he acted like a displeased school principal who has just caught a student misbehaving. So, after having briefly read these documents, I was stunned to realize that Mr. Allain seemed to accept these as the truth coming from a supreme judge. This being the case, I didn't think that it would be worth it to discuss with someone whose view of me is so skewed. I didn't feel that I should explain myself to him, as God alone is my judge. Consequently, following a meeting-for which I had to wait two years-with subsequent Mayor Jacques Martin on June 17, 2010, I learned that he had adopted the same prejudice against me than that of the journalist of the newspaper Le Madawaska at the time, Paul Grondin; he told me that I was fighting giant Goliath. I responded by saying that the Bible teaches us that David was victorious thanks to God. Mr. Martin informed me that if I was to persist with this project, the Canadian Scout Association would be sending another letter and that the police would place me under surveillance and then put me in prison. I quickly realized that I was losing my time trying to reason with a former Scout Leader and municipal police officer. I concluded that he was talking nonsense and adding nothing to the discussion, so I left. I got into this battle by believing that God would also find justice for me, because I believe that truth must always prevail over lies.

I am carefully keeping copies of this slander, given to me by a Good Samaritan, an intelligent man with good judgement. These remarks were sent to me by email and through postal mail, dated June 22 and July 11, 2007, by Mr. Robert Nowlan. These documents were accompanied by a formal notice addressed to me and without my knowledge, to the Edmundston Municipal Council, to Honourable Herménigilde Chiasson, provincial Scout Chief, and to others with malicious intent. I have still not replied to this formal notice because it would not be logical to start a legal squabble on such a subject. They are trying to bring down this project by using their image as well as their logo as an excuse. As a former scout, it is my right to use this Baden-Powell image on my last gadget, as specified in the letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and regarding the logo, you can check and the one with the Star of David belongs to the BP Scout Palace.

For the purpose of this project, I have also used the maple leaf seen on the Canadian flag for the Oasis logo, as well as the Turin Shroud on the "Credo de la foi" scroll, used for the Kim's game played inside, stamped with the face of Jesus, the savior of humanity crossed through the saint shroud, as proof of His resurrection. As such, I have no problems with the federal government nor the Vatican. I do believe that the reason for all these problems is that I refused to associate with them to develop the Baden-Powell Virtual Palace, when they are the ones who should have accepted to affiliate themselves with me in the proposed concept. Instead, they wanted to take over my project while ignoring me, as explained in the letter sent to Mr. Pierre Desmarteaux, assistant general manager , on March 21, 2007.

For the aforementioned reasons, therefore, here is the proof that these slanderous remarks towards me, made through insinuation (according to the dictionary, "an unpleasant hint or suggestion of something bad"), have affected my reputation. At the age of 63, I have gone from being considered an honest man by the population to a dishonest one, a crook. Overnight, I was boycotted by certain boy and girl scouts of the region, the municipal council, and the local media; they all pointed a finger at me just because Robert Nowlan made that slander towards me.

At a meeting in early June 2010 with acting mayor Mr. Jean-Guy marquis, he informed me that these same slanderous letters had been presented the previous week during a full meeting. In your opinion, isn't this pure maliciousness? The dictionary defines malicious as something that is "characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm to someone"). It is therefore obvious that three years later, this ball and chain has left a trace that is still there even today.

Therefore, on December 10, 2012, after 5 years of reflection, it is obvious that these defamatory remarks are a ball, signed bandit, padlocked to my ankle, which I have had to drag continuously since. The only one to have the solution, to remove this ball and chain, is the good conscience of all the readers, having taken note of this (controversy) disinformation, fomented by Gertrude Levesque Michaud, President of the former scouts and guides of the region, transmitted to Robert Nowlan, Director General of Scout Canada, from the era of the centenary of world scouting. But it was quite the contrary, since the confusion started when Mr. Nowlan used the media to spread disinformation, which is defined in the dictionary as "using information-based technology, namely mass communication media, to mislead, hide or distort the facts". Mr. Nowlan took advantage of people's naivety to make them believe that I am a criminal. BELIEVE -1- Make, let people believe sth.: do, suggest a false thing. 2- Make believe: wrong. Version Petit Robert. This article appeared in Le Madawaska newspaper on February 13, 2008, and was written by journalist Christine Thériault, who had become an accomplice by ignorance of the facts.

However, at that time, everyone knew that I was organizing, with the help of my wife, the Scout and Guide Promise Renewal as recommended by the World Scouting Association. This renewal was held at sunrise on August 1st 2007 at the location that is now the site of the new construction of Manoir Bellevue near the Trans-Canada Highway, of which you can see the commemorative photo. In addition to a meeting on August 5th held at the Convention Centre to highlight the World Scouting Centennial and the inauguration of the Baden-Powell Virtual Scout Palace.

So, after 5 years of being sulked and mocked by people involved in the community, some people came to ask me some questions, however, only one journalist presented himself, Mr. Gilles Duval, with an attitude of braggart and contempt. As a result, it is obvious that these slanderous comments have left their mark towards me. In spite of everything, by the grace of God, I have succeeded in completing my project. It was presented at a press conference on April 17, 2012. Consequently, due to these circumstances, I am asking Mr. Robert Nowlan, Secretary and General Manager of Scout Canada, to withdraw these slanderous writings towards me and clear my reputation. This is in regard to the email sent on June 22nd, 2007 at 1:38 p.m. as well as the letter sent to Hon. Herménégilde Chiasson, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick and Provincial Scout Chief. Also the email dated July 11, 2007 at 3:48 p.m. sent to the office of Mayor Gérald Allain.

Therefore, it is obvious that such an affront is also valid for the 100 million former scouts who would have suffered the same fate. In your opinion, isn't this a blatant lack of respect for the elders of the World Scout community? And all this, for having organized certain festivities during the centenary of world scouting as well as for having wanted to improve the situation of scouting in the world by selling certificates.

As a result, after I was scalped, thank God, these failed to demoralize me. Fortunately, I have the necessary attributes, as explained in the CPP formula which you can read in the back room on the Prayer of Repentance scroll. So at that point, I must have taken six months of recovery and reflection before I could churn the cream, as explained on the Tenacity scroll. As a result, over the years, from 2006 to 2021, the BP Virtual Scout Palace has become the historic Hall of Tenacity.

Also, take into account that the defamatory e-mail papers, received on this subject, my summer delivered on June 22, 2007, in his own hand, by the Deputy Mayor at the time, Mr. Louis Lavoie, a sympathetic man, who acted in any integrity. This one also informed me to meet Maurice (tomate) Blanchette, the champion of disinformation with his forked tongue and to silence him. However, I preferred not to do anything about it, because most likely I would have corrected it and God only knows how it would have ended. So I should have suffered the consequences. Consequently, over the years, from 2006 to 2021, the BP Virtual Scout Palace became, due to a circumstantial competition, the historic Pantheon of Tenacity.

However, the following was appended on April 15, 2023.

So, in the logic of things, during this polemic era, I went to meet a first lawyer, Mr. Georges Cyr, to inform him that someone had made disinformation concerning me. So he asked me who was this person? I answered him, Mr. Robert Nowlan. A few minutes later, he asked me what was the notoriety of this individual? When I told him he was the General Manager of Scout Canada, he told me, that he was not interested in championing this cause. So the next day I went to meet lawyer Zoel Dionne.

Consequently, these events happened in late August 2007, and after explaining the dispute to him, Mr. Dionne informed me with evidence that there was a matter of litigation against General Manager for the scouts of Canada, M. Robert Nowlan. So after a few days of reflexion, I made the decision not to sue him. So I preferred to spend time and money in the development of this project. However, Mr. Dionne asked me to remain silent regarding his opinion on this subject, which I have done to date.

Therefore, fifteen years later, after dragging a ball to my ankle, with a fifteen-foot chain, honestly speaking, it became exasperating. So, being 98% phlegmatic and 83% angry, I decided to set the record straight. Nevertheless, here is proof of what disinformation can produce towards his neighbor. Test done at a meeting of Christians in the Seventh-day Adventist Church to determine the temperament of a person among four temperaments, adding anger and blood. So, in the logic of things, I am right to shed light on this controversy. Lawyer M. Zoel Dionne received an honorary appointment of Honorable Judge on December 17, 2007, from the Court of Queen's Bench in New Brunswick. Therefore, I profit of this occasion to offer my deepest congratulations for the prodigiously honorable title!

So in the logic of things, this is the reason why the people surrounding the 3 border oasis, aware of this controversy, would be happy to know the truth about the criticism made by Robert Nowlan, who spawned this controversy by using misinformation, while producing malicious and defamatory documents about me and telling the people that it was me who was misinformation. So, it is obvious and nice to shed light on this controversy, in order to make the truth known to the people of the 3 border oasis.

Consequently, at the beginning of this controversy, I met with Radio-Canada journalist Bernard Lebel to inform him of this controversy caused by a prejudgement coming from a disrespectful director of his neighbor. When I left Bernard, twenty minutes later, I heard him whisper this, they played you turn around? I replied, yes, while leaving, and thinking he would inform the people. Unfortunately, for me, he decided to remain silent on the subject, so became an accomplice of my detractor. I find, at that time, that he acted with bias when he should have been impartial in order to be pleasing to God. It is deplorable to me that this has happened. That is the reason for my tenacity!

Also, unfortunately, the municipal government of the time, the city of Edmundston, acted absurdly and treated me ever since and considered me a guilty man, over the years, as well as all the local media, until to date. What is the reason ???? Because the latter must always, in all integrity, be right.

So, since in the logic of things, any positive (divine) project unfortunately has its (negative) devil-supporting demons, so here is the reason for this malicious misinformation about me since the beginning of my pilgrimage started on December 31, 1978, such than mentioned elsewhere. And this as a disciple of Jesus, the Messiah. However, I take this opportunity, on April 9, 2023, the feast day of Easter, to thank Yahweh for having granted me the courage, patience and perseverance (CPP) as well as much inspiration, necessary in order to develop this wonderful project since 2006, and that from a blank page.

When you have finished reading this biography, it is necessary to read at the end of the text, in the link “Defamatory letters” concerning me, in order to disparage me with contempt.

Without prejudice to certain persons mentioned in this biography.

Gospel according to John - 1 John. 1.12 - link (Repentante Prayer)

Mais à ceux qui l'ont reçu. À ceux qui croient en son nom, il a donné le pouvoir de devenir enfants de Dieu.

To read malicious and other documents about it.

To read these letters, click here Defamatory letters

Sincerely yours,

Donald Don Plourde
