Abraham’s odyssey
Dear Reader,
1 - It is my pleasure to present to you the odyssey of Abraham on which I have
applied to know and especially to demystify since 1978. Consequently,
see for yourself the edification of this odyssey written in a summary of
a few pages, in proportion to the history of humanity and all this with a
elementary school graduation. However, my school was that of life where I learned
to observe, listen and memorize. What are the consequences of our
odyssey on earth?
Being a scout (scout), I have to share with you some knowledge
acquired over the years on a particular topic of global public interest, which I
am applied to study since my birthday on the 31st
December 1978. It is about the history of mankind as well as that of the Church, the
chosen of God, according to a bible study. At the time, aged thirty-three (age
of the crucifixion of Christ (Messiah), Savior of humanity, I asked myself the
next question: where are we in time and what does the afterlife hold for me
? And this after having miraculously been protected from certain death, due to the
presence of my guardian angel. This is to inform you that when God speaks to humanity, He does so only in the masculine. However, this also includes men and women.
2 - Consequently, du to great love of the truth and following the path of life
which I have traveled through, I conclude that to arrive at the knowledge of the truth about
a subject as important as the odyssey of Abraham, it is necessary, in order to
to achieve, to have a sincere desire to know it and a soul willing to do so.
conform. So, after careful consideration, here is my testimony regarding this
bible study, related to current events. This is a reconstruction of
the history of mankind. Obviously, to know the truth, we must
always return to the source.
So my affirmations expressed in a spiritual sense and explaining this story
important to all of you, are taken from the ever-relevant book of the Bible. Tob version, of the Apostolic Church. So, after having wandered, unfortunately it became the Roman Catholic Church, which engendered Protestantism and the massacre of more than fifty million people considered heretics, a massacre ordered by the papacy. Story to read in the book
“The Tragedy of the Centuries” by Ellen G. White, a book placed on the index by the Catholic Church. This study made me discover and know the truth that many people
ignore. Therefore, no one should be unaware that we live with the
freedom to choose his spiritual father.
"For creation eagerly awaits the
revelation of the sons of God” Romans 8:19. So, it must be concluded that there is also
sons of the devil living among us. Who do you think they are? You must not ignore
and above all take seriously, that there is a spiritual world parallel to ours and
that according to biblical teaching, they are not our late parents. Because if that
was possible for them, surely they would remedy the social condition in
which we are now. Fortunately for us, the Messiah
come back soon!
Consequently, I am keen to tell you this anecdote, how the idea of this testimony came to me at the time of my odyssey to Quebec since July 4, 1965, to work on the Universal Expo site. in 1967. Arrived in the Laurentians, at the Réveillons hotel in St-Donat, on the evening of December 31 in 1978, on my thirty-third birthday. Opening the bedroom door, I saw a Bible on the bedside table, placed by the Gideons association. However, the version used for the purpose, and with good reason, is the TOB used by the Apostolic Church, which unfortunately became, in the years 325, the Roman Catholic Church. I took this one, I opened it by chance to page 933 to the paragraph, Where can we find wisdom? I read Job 28:28 and it was then that God spoke to me through this verse, and I quote to you: “Then he said to the man: The fear of the Lord, this is wisdom, turn aside evil is intelligence! » It was then, at this precise moment that I began to listen to the voice of my conscience, this is the reason why, on this eighth day of September 2023, our love story continues under the gaze of the 'Eternal for fifty-five years of married life. Honestly speaking, my human behavior changed drastically, because at that time, I met some people belonging to the clan of the Dubois brothers, known as the Mafia of Saint-Henri, offering me to make usurious loans, in my workplace. , Cartier Court Turcot. He guaranteed me a million a year. So, in the logic of things, having accepted this offer, I would not, at this time, give you a piece of my testimony.
3 - So, have the curiosity to read this odyssey which includes three aspects, namely spirituality, humanity and eternity, while summarizing six thousand years of history and you will discover who your spiritual Father is. Thanks be to God, this collection of books has withstood more than six thousand years of history despite all the relentlessness of the fallen angel (Lucifer), helped by his henchmen and holding, for the moment, the strings of our society and this with the complicity of our governments already affiliated with the world government gradually taking control of humanity, under the reign of the antichrist, relative to the ecclesiastical government (the papacy), as well as the false prophet, relative to the civil government, presided over by the President of the United States of America (for the time being), the current military global superpower, whose main emissary (agent) is Joe Biden, is dated November 14, 2022 is to establish a partnership with the second power , China, with Xi Jinping. This is the reason why the former President of the United States, Donald Trump moved the American Embassy from Tel Aviv, to Jerusalem, the world capital. It is obvious that this is the only plan of God, Yahweh, the Eternal.
Consequently, many people are unaware that there are two great powers
which dominate the world, namely religion, relating to God, as well as the power
political, relating to Satan. Because, originally, only God reigned in the universe, so
that at that time, only the Hebrew language was known. That's when
Archangel Lucifer, the angel of light, was fallen due to his pride and rebellion
against God. This tyrant usurped the place of God by crossing the barrier
(Rubicon), and entering paradise by seducing Eve, the mother of mankind.
Unfortunately, we all know the negative consequences for
humanity. Therefore God, not being a tyrant, gives us a choice
to accept the plan of salvation which you can learn about by reading the
most educational and uplifting book I have read to date, "The Great Controversy"
authored by Ellen G. White. This book has been placed on the index, by the Church
Roman Catholic, for a specific purpose, either to keep their sheep in
ignorance. So in light of knowing this odyssey, you
can ignore the great controversy between God and Lucifer that began in the
celestial several billion years ago. Above all, do not ignore
Matthew 4: 8,9 which says: The devil transported him Jesus, still on a
lofty mountain, showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and
said to him: I will give you all these things, if you will bow down and worship me. According to this
as history tells us, it happened three centuries later. The Dragon
symbolizes the devil on the planet. The dragon gave him his power and his throne,
as well as great authority. Revelation 13:2. Therefore I am happy
to announce to you on this 19th day of the year 2013, that due to my great love for the
truth and by the grace of God I have unmasked, after many years of
research, where is the devil's throne located in the universe.
4 - So, here is the reason for this global social disorder in which we are at
this moment, since the kingdoms of the world are relative to our governments
who allow themselves to be dictated by an occult regime hidden behind the leaders of the
World Bank, while most of our politicians are oblivious
from subject. These, in order to succeed in their maneuver, control six cartels, namely the
governments, military, intelligence (intelligent agent), energy, media
and money, while taking advantage of current technology. Consequently, I
has always considered our politicians like puppets at the mercy of
this diabolical organization, in order to regulate us for the purpose of enriching the
rich and to increasingly oppress the poor. So why our
politicians, to this day, have they not realized that our financial system
world operates in the negative? The reason is that money is the source of all
problems in our society.
No one can serve two masters. For, or he will hate one,
and will love the other; or he will cling to one, and despise the other. You can not
serve God and money (mammon). Matthew 6:24 Be honest with yourself-
same. How much time do you think is left before the Supreme Justice returns,
Jesus, the Messiah? Be curious, you will discover edifying things.
Therefore, when you finish reading Abraham's Odyssey,
you will discover and know an interesting part of the history of the Church and
of your eternal destiny; either in the new earth as prophesied, or
eternally dead. So, it is up to you to know your destiny. In
any serious and concerned person will be happy to learn the
following message: "We look according to his promise for new heavens and a
new land where righteousness dwells.” 2 Peter 3:13 (NT). Because it is obvious that the
greed of some people acting with malignity is to plunder our
marvelous planet, which was once the earthly paradise in the profile of the silver god.
Therefore, in light of the current situation and condition, it is obvious
that our planet is dying.
5 - These books (Bible) are bound by the will of God to the Judeo-Christians, that is
the Old Covenant (AA) under the jurisdiction of divine law; Old Testament (OT)
; the New Covenant (NA) supplement to the Old Testament under the jurisdiction of
the faith in God announced to humanity by the word of the prophets and of his Church;
the New Testament (NT). So no one should be unaware that God has
predestined Moses to become the deliverer of the children of Israel after they
ci had lived 430 years of slavery in Egypt, in order to lead them to the land
promised, Canaan, recognized Palestine, Holy Land. Due to prophecy,
Ezekiel 38:12, this little parcel of land, considered, according to God, the navel
of planet earth, Jerusalem, where the wailing wall is located, the rest of the
temple of God, built by King Solomon will generate in the Middle East the most
great conflict ever known in this part of the world, taking place at the end of the
time, when God will intervene to protect his Church, his chosen inhabitants
on the soil of Israel after these have accepted and recognized Jesus, the son of
Yahweh, the Creator, positive. So that's the reason for the mess on the
planet, which was once paradise on earth. However, one must take into
consideration that during the parousia, the restoration of the marvelous
reign of God, when everything will be positive.
6 - The Old Covenant, the first five books of which were dictated by God in
Moses, in the Hebrew language (Hebrew), for forty years, during the crossing
of the Sinai desert. It was then that God, on Mount Sinai, wrote with his finger the
law of the ten commandments (Torah), the law of love, on two tables of stone in order
that one can live in harmony with Him. On the first is written the four
first commandments concerning our duty to God and to the
second, the six commandments concerning the moral law that we must
respect in order to be pleasing to God and to live in harmony with one's neighbour. To
our time, it is still deplorable to note that the devil repeats to
humanity, still the same lie he told Eve in the Garden of Eden: "
Did God really say... (to his prophets) Genesis 3:11.
7 - The New Covenant or New Testament was taught by the Divine Master
Jesus, the Messiah (Christ) to his twelve disciples who had become apostles, witnesses of
Jesus and preachers of the Gospel of the Good News of the Kingdom of God at
come. These were the first collaborators in the foundation of the visible Church
(Apostolic) the chosen people, whose founder is Jesus, sole Head of his
Church, according to the encyclopedia and the Bible dictionary (translation of the word Church
in Greek “ekklesia” which means called or set apart. So the word Church of
the Christian era does not mean a building belonging to a religion in
particular or a place of worship but rather a gathering of believers. This
Church began with baptism on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem.
Peter their
said, Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus, for
the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38.
This is the ticket to the new birth. Jesus answered him: Verily, verily,
I tell you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3. Consequently, the Church or the elect do not belong to a religion
especially but are true believers having faith in Jesus, the Christ
(Messiah), come out of Babylon (confusion) as requested by God and forming
the invisible Church of the end of the New Covenant. This one is grafted to the olive tree
designating the Jewish people, the elect of the Old Covenant.
“But if some
branches have been cut, while you, wild olive tree, have been grafted
among the remaining branches of the olive tree to share with them in the wealth of
the root”. Romans 11:17. However, the elect (the Church) of the Old Covenant (the
Jewish people) must obligatorily recognize their Messiah Jesusshua, before his
next return, as prophesied. Maranatha! Aramaic expression
preserved in liturgical language, and meaning: the Lord is coming!
Praise the Lord Jesus! Hallelujah! 1 Corinthians 16:22
I am happy to address you regarding the news heard and seen,
on the airwaves of Radio-Canada, on May 3, 2023. The latter assured us that after
more than two thousand years, the chosen people, the Hebrews, returned to their country,
or Palestine.
8 - The Bible is the only book explaining the history of mankind, from Genesis to
the Apocalypse, or from the beginning to the end of the evil universal kingdom
in which we have lived since the disobedience of our first parents, Adam
and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. The Bible reveals to us, by its affirmations
prophetic, the story of humanity by telling us the journey of the
chosen people of God, that of the descendants of Abram who became Abraham.
In this
day, the Lord entered into a covenant with Abram in these terms: "It is up to you
offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river
of Euphrates”. Genesis 15:18 (AA). However, the progeny of promise is not
not the child (Ishmael) born of the desire of the flesh (Hagar), but rather that of the
promise, Isaac (Sara, legitimate wife born 13 years later).
But God said to him:
Don't get angry about the boy and your maid. Listen to everything you say
Sara, for it is through Isaac that an offspring will bear your name”. Genesis 21:12
AA). For the god of the chosen people of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
(became Israel), is called Yahweh, the Eternal, the great I am of Exodus 3: 13.
Obviously, it is essential to shed light on this subject, since one day
the apostle Paul warned us in 2 corinthians 11: 12 to 15, that the henchmen of the
god of this world, disguises himself as an angel of light, makes prophesy nearly
650 years, when the angel Gabriel appeared to him, giving Muhammad these
guidelines. It was then that he engendered the Islamic religion, therefore, the Muslim,
having as God, Allah, the god of this world, for the moment.
9 - According to history, 2000 years before Abraham, the father of the human race, Adam and
Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden, paradise on earth, because of their
disobedience, and only the informed know all the consequences,
compared to reading the Word of God (Bible). While at the time of
the Old Covenant, the people of Israel, God's chosen ones, were expatriated to
Assyria and Babylon, because of disobedience to the law of God, especially
the second commandment relating to idolatry. So what at the time of the
New Alliance, they were expatriated on the planet, in the year 70, during the beginning of the
New Covenant, Christendom, C.E., (AD, Jesus), by the
General Titus, who became Roman Emperor, for not having recognized their Messiah,
thus losing the privilege of the chosen people as well as their status as a nation.
It is deplorable, nowadays, to note that the apostolic Church, the elect of the New Alliance, have also lost this privilege when their shepherd (supervisor) of the time has, inadvertently, wandered, yes, I I did say erre, that is to say, strayed from the path of truth. However, the Apostle Paul happily informed us in Romans 11:1-36 about the remnant (elect) Church that resurfaces at the end of time, to which I sincerely believe I belong. Therefore, it is important for believers in good faith to know that God did not reject his people - Jews and Gentiles before God's plan.
10 - As a result, over the years the shepherds of the Apostolic Church have made
certain compromises in order to obtain freedom of religion from political authority
supreme of the time, being Imperial Rome, the Emperor Constantine. In 325,
the latter, wanting to consolidate his empire, created the unity of the state with the Church
apostolic become Roman Catholic, it was then that he adopted the title of
pontifex maximus, which means sovereign pontiff (a title belonging to the great
priest of the pagan religion of the time). Spiritually speaking, more than three
centuries before, when Jesus began his ministry, which led him to
the cross of Golgotha ??as the Savior of mankind, Satan began his carnage
towards the Apostolic Church. So, more than three centuries later, Satan being
unable to totally destroy the Church, changed his method in order to eliminate it,
so, he infiltrated the Church while becoming friends, creating certain alliances with the
apostolic Christians. At that time, the established formality was corrupted
since the beginning of the apostolic Church, after having lived through the time of the obligation
to hide underground in the catacombs for three hundred and twenty-five years.
11 - Following the events, in the year 325, the Emperor Constantine, according to history
of the papacy and the Larousse dictionary of the 20th century, volume 2, on page 430,
summoned the first Ecumenical Council of the Apostolic Church, thereby becoming
makes the Universal Roman Catholic Church a politico-religious system.
This gave the Imperial Palace, located on one of the seven hills of the city of
Rome, as well as his throne to the shepherd Sylvester, overseer of the community
Christian from 314 to 335. It was only in 1869, during Vatican I, July 13, 1870
that was proclaimed the dogma of papal infallibility affirming that outside the Church
catholic, there is no salvation, when he should have said outside the church
apostolic. That is to say, the shepherd who has become pope in our day, and sovereign
pontiff, is not seated on the throne of Saint Peter, as taught, but rather
on that of the Emperor Constantine. For, according to what history relates, the apostle
Peter was crucified upside down while visiting Rome.
12 - As a result, at the beginning of the 15th century, this gave rise to the movement of
Protestant reformers such as Zwingli, in Switzerland from 1516, Luter, in
Germany from 1517, Calvin in Geneva from 1531; that's when
began the Protestant Reformation. So it resulted that at that time the leader of
the Roman Catholic Church, the pontiff gone to war against the rest
of the Apostolic Church with the complicity of the King of France. So several million
of Christians of the Apostolic Church, considered heretics by the Papacy,
were killed for not having agreed to leave their Church in order to join that
of Constantine considered by apostolic Christians of religion having
pagan traditions. Therefore, nowadays there is great confusion
religion among the Protestant Churches, while most of the groupings
of Christians (Church) affiliated with the great harlot (Catholic Church, such as
specified in Revelation) quarrel over their point of doctrine, deviating from the
main subject, the seal (mark) of God concerning the opposite apostolic Church
at the mark of the beast. So it is very important to know the seal of God
(the mark), as explained in the book "The Coming Superpower" by Mark
Finlay, prophet of God. The following text is taken from the book on page 148. The
mark of the beast is the exaltation of human religious tradition in place of the
commandments of God. It places divine thought and the dogma of the Church above
above inspired Revelation. It is a false system of worship that will want to
substitute for the Creator's Sabbath.
13 - Most people are unaware that the Vatican City State, where the
seat of the supposed Apostolic Church, Wife of Jesus, is also considered
the political capital of the world and which it is always proud to exhibit to the great
public its many statues (idols) to the face of the world. This Church
apostate had the malice to change several dogmas belonging to the
Christianity (Apostolic Church) in order to add those of paganism, in addition to
change the law of God, the 4th commandment of God, pertaining to the Sabbath day,
which was once and always the 7th day of the week, i.e. Saturday and not the 1st
day, i.e. Sunday, as prophesied by the prophet Daniel dating from 2500
years old, prophecy connected to the wonderful book of Revelation.
He will utter
words against the Most High, he will oppress the saints of the Most High, and he hopes
change the times and the law; and the saints will be delivered into his hand for a
time, and half a time. Daniel 7:25 "And the woman whom you saw is the
great city that reigns over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:18. The woman
symbolizes the apostolic Church, the bride of Jesus, considered according to the Word of
God as the great harlot of the Apocalypse. Then one of the seven angels
who held the seven bowls came, and he spoke to me, saying, Come, I
show the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters.
(The peoples). Revelation 17:1 This harlot claims on her hat Vicarius
Filli Dei, which means: "Faithful Vicar of God". The Latin calculation of the number of
his name is 666, as prophesied in Revelation. Here is the wisdom. That
he who has intelligence calculates the number of the beast. 'Cause it's a number
of man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. Revelation 13:18 So he
should not consider the number of the beast as being that of the mark of the
stupid. Consequently, everything that the history of humanity relates to us in the
Word of God (Bible), the Devil's Throne is located in the Vatican.
Following text from the book “The Coming Superpower” page 152, 153. God
declares the Sabbath to be its seal, its mark of authority. What is the brand
of authority of the successor of the medieval church? The answer to this question
crucial is in its own publications.
The Catholic Record for September 1, 1923 puts it this way: "Sunday is
our mark of authority (...) The Church rises above the Bible and the transfer of
the observance of the Sabbath to the observance of Sunday is proof of this. »
Father T. Enright, a former member of Redemptoral College, wrote: “The Bible
says: " Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." The Catholic Church says:
"No. By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you
to observe the first day of the week." And There you go ! The entire civilized world
bows down in reverent obedience to the order of the Holy Church
Catholic. »
The early Church and its successors claimed authority to transfer the
day set aside for Sabbath worship on another day. But did they have
really of this prerogative? The scriptures make it clear that even the
religious authorities cannot do such a thing, Revelation 13:8, predicts
that the beast will be an object of worship for all the inhabitants of the earth to
excepting those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, viz.
Jesus. Their names will be kept in the book of life because they will be
remained faithful to God and Jesus, rejecting the mark of the beast and
allowing God to seal them with his authority. They will be redeemed because they
have chosen to demonstrate loyalty to God by accepting the seal of his
creative power, the Sabbath. This decision, with eternal consequences, will have to
be taken by all the inhabitants of the earth. End of text from book.
So here is the reason why there will be few chosen ones.
My people are destroyed,
because he lacks the knowledge. Since you have rejected knowledge, I
reject, and you shall be stripped of my priesthood; Since you forgot the law of
your God, I will also forget your children. Hosea 4:6
Being a scout (scout) in my soul and conscience, I owe it to you
warn regarding what I witnessed on Radio Television-
Canada, Monday March 11, 2013. Concerning the greatest masquerade presented at
humanity since the dawn of time, be that of the next conclave of the Church
Roman Catholic in order to introduce us to the next pope of the line of
antichrists which means the one who comes before the glorious return of the King of Kings,
Jesus, the Messiah, expected of the chosen people (Jews). Therefore, announced on 29
June 2013 in some media, the new Pope Francis, following a scandal
monetary valued at more than twenty-five million dollars, decided to make the
household in the Vatican. Isn't this another deception among many that
began during the first ecumenical council in 325, that of corruption
spiritual and moral of the Apostolic Church, unmasked to this day by people who
dare to assert themselves on such an important subject as salvation. It is obvious from our
days, to see the moral corruption, while the political leaders and
clerics tolerate and encourage sexual perversity, homosexuality, for political purposes, to
get votes or have more parishioners, when God recognizes this one
as moral perversity. Therefore, in consequence of what the Word
of God tells us, in the book of the Bible, the cup is about to overflow.
This woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold, stones
gems and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup, filled
abominations and impurities of her prostitution. Revelation 17:4-1
Corinthians 15:51, 52
By the grace of God, from May 21 to 24, 2018, at the Grands reportages of
radio canada, a series of programs concerning the Roman Catholic Church, we
has been unmasked and demystified. It is obvious that the truth is coming out and that
this one has only one desire, and that is not to be condemned before having been known.
However, I have good news for you. The Lord Jesus returns
soon, not to clean up the Vatican, but rather to restore order in the
garden of Eden (earthly paradise), since our wonderful planet is, according to
everything that scientists have been able to show us over the last decade, the
jewel of the one Creator, Yahweh the Eternal, among all the planets of the universe.
Unfortunately, many people are unaware that the written history of the
word of God (Bible) concerns the chosen people and is lived for a period of six
thousand years, or four thousand years, in the old and two thousand years in the New
Testament, therefore represents six days of creation, while the seventh millennium
represents the sabbatical millennium. This millennium begins on the day of the parousia,
at the glorious return of Jesus, the only Messiah of the chosen people, taken from his
meeting, as prophesied in 1 Thessalonian 4:14-18, by the apostle Paul,
beheaded in the time of the Roman Emperor Nero. Fortunately, following the
parousia dictated to John, by Jesus, on the island of Patmos.
Of course, only when Jesus returns in glory to eliminate all false
gods, such as Buddha, Krishna, Allah, the god of this world and others with their false
prophet, like Muhammad, the god of the Muslims. All this truth is in
Hebrew writing.
14 - However, the people of Israel, recognized in the New Covenant as
the olive tree of which the Gentiles, that is the Nations not being of the Israelite race, are grafted
to this one by faith in Jesus, or by a conversion, to follow up on a
prayer of sincere repentance addressed to Lord Jesus, accepting him
as personal Saviour. God had promised to bring the people of Israel back to
their homeland. As a result, nearly 2000 years of exile on the planet, as the
chosen people lost their status as a nation, thus making their integration elsewhere
in the very difficult world, then was created in Basel in Switzerland on August 29, 1897, by the
Doctor Theodor Herzl, the Zionist movement. So to follow through on the agreement
of the Balfour Treaty of May 14, 1948, i.e. at the time of David Ben Gurion,
Zionist politician and activist and Prime Minister of Israel, the People
of Israel regained its nationhood. We see nowadays all the
consequences which result from it, and which I consider to be the main conflict on
the planet taking place between the two sons of Abraham, being the firstborn Ishmael, the
father of the Ishmaelites and the second, Isaac, the father of the Israelites, the chosen people of
15 - The fortieth President of the United States, Mr. Ronald Reagan, affirmed during
one of his speeches, that it was inevitable that the world was heading towards
Armageddon. "They gathered them to the place which in Hebrew is called
Armageddon”. Revelation 16:16. So here is the outcome of this war
as prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel.
"You will come to pile up spoils,
to pillage and turn your hand against repopulated ruins, against a people
gathered from among the nations who tends to his cattle and property, and dwells
the navel of the earth” Ezekiel 38:12. So it is quite reasonable to
realize, in the light of history, that God has revealed to us through the word of his
biblical prophets, therefore truthful, the history of mankind as well as that of
the Church. “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants
the prophets”. Amos 3:7 (AA). Happy day for me when I came to
the obvious that to understand this message of paramount importance for
everyone, it is essential to know and believe in the Word of God (Bible). In faith
of which, this is the reason for my faith in Jesus my Savior (Messiah) in order to obtain
the crown of righteousness, like the apostle Paul.
I've fought the good fight, I've finished
the race, I kept the faith. Henceforth the crown of justice is reserved for me; the
Lord, the just judge, will give it to me on that day and not only to me, but
again to all those who will have loved his advent. 2 Timothy 4:7.8
Consequently, in the light of the knowledge of certain prophecies
fulfilled and what the coming prophecy foretells us; The best is yet to come
but the worst is not yet over, for we wait, according to the promise of
Jesus, that He will restore the tree of hope (life) upon His manifestation in the day
of the parousia.
Hooray, you almost got it all figured out! So, to conclude, the Biblical story teaches us the temporal aspect of the odyssey of Abraham and Isaac, children of the promise, prefiguration personifying the spared Lamb of God, as symbol of the Messiah (Jesus), to come in order to save his Church, that is to say, the chosen people. The outcome of this odyssey began 2000 years before Jesus, the Christ (Messiah) of the New Covenant and will end according to prophecy during the last world war Armageddon. This will take place in the valley of the Lord Judge, Megiddo, facing the city of Jerusalem, while the Antichrist and his army (military henchman) will attempt to exterminate the chosen people. It is then that the Lord Jesus, the Messiah (Christ) will intervene in order to protect the chosen people, Israel (Jew) and the apostolic Christians, as read in the prayer of repentance, who, according to the prophecy, will have finally recognized their Messiah awaited since God taught them, by the voice of his disciples, among othersm John 3.16, then, those who will not have accepted the mark of the beast but rather the seal of God. So, before you fall asleep tonight, you will have to make the most important decision of your life, which voice you agree to listen to. That of God the Creator, the God of Israel or that of the god of this world, the devil.
Therefore, in the logic of past events, to which we had
the happiness of knowing, we must above all not ignore that God speaks to us through
voice of our conscience. Yes, this little inner voice that speaks to us and that
warns us not to do such a thing, while the adversary of our soul,
Lucifer, the devil, incites us to do it and that unfortunately we act
intentionally for the loss of our soul. Hallelujah!
However, the spiritual aspect of Abraham's odyssey is realized simultaneously and
we will know the conclusion at the glorious return of the Lord Jesus on
the cloud to rapture his church. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17,18. That's when
will take place the penultimate combat in order to exterminate the Antichrist as well as the false
prophet and all the wicked on the face of the earth. Concerning the devil, he will be
wiped out on Judgment Day from the White Throne in the final showdown between the
good and evil, that is Jesus and Lucifer, become the devil. Finally, this is how
will end the tragedy of the centuries. This began in the celestial several years ago
billions of years between God and Lucifer, the instigator of the rebellion in heaven.
Therefore, according to the prophecy, after the worst is over, the best is to come.
come. Therefore, we believers, rejoice and be glad for
we have hope for a better world where finally the justice of God will reign
eternally. Maranatha! Word of the Aramaic language, the only word of the whole
Bible, never having been translated into any other language, meaning the Lord
come ! 1 Corinthian 16:22
Dear Readers,
I hope that my testimony relating the odyssey of Abraham, as well as that of
the Church (the chosen people), pleased you and helped to edify you on a subject as
important for humanity than that of the restoration of the reign of Yahweh
the Lord at the parousia. This grants us the happiness of being present at the
wedding feast of the lamb and the privilege of eating the fruit of the tree of life
in Yahweh's earthly paradise.
He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. To the winner,
I will feed from the tree of life which is in the paradise of God. Apocalypse
Here is the Tob version: an angel says to me: Write! Blessed are those who are invited to
wedding feast of the lamb! Then he said to me: these are the very words of God.
Revelation 19:9
Sincerely yours,
Donald G. Plourde,
I am happy and I am not ashamed to tell you, that I am a son of God and I
quote: But to those who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the
power to become children of God. Gospel of John 1:12
However, it is necessary to go through the path of the new birth
Jesus answered him,
"Verily, verily, I say unto thee: Unless be born of
again no one can see the kingdom of God."John 3:3
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord Jesus, the Son of God!
Therefore, I am happy to present to you my prayer of repentance
read here
Prayer of Repentance