This 16 in. x 20 in. painting, entitled “God’s Eye” means Maranatha, the Lord is coming and according to the book explaining the history of mankind, the Bible, it is coming soon. This 16" x 20" parchment is a work of art made by my brother René. He is a surrealist draftsman and colorist. Unfortunately, society has deemed that he suffers from a mental illness (schizophrenia), and yet he holds degrees in industrial maintenance, ventilation, refrigeration, Olympic pool water treatment, commercial building caretaking, and graphic arts. Based on his case, we can conclude that mental illnesses reach all social classes.
This work of art symbolizes God observing what has become of humanity, before the removal of His Church (the chosen). I Thessalonians 4:16,17,18 - For he himself, the Lord, with the command given, with the voice of the archangel and with the sound of the trumpet of God, will descend from heaven: then the dead in Christ will rise from on board ; 17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18-So comfort one another with this teaching. The sun symbolizes the wife of Yahshua, the Church, the chosen ones chosen by God. The word Maranatha, seen in the clouds, announces the Parousia, the return of the Lord Yahshua 1 Corinthians 16:22. The word Maranatha is the only word of the Bible, having never been translated into any other language and announces the Parousia, which means, in the Petit Larousse 2000, page 750, the glorious return of the Messiah, at the end of time, in view of the Last Judgment. What a wonderful day will be, the reign of God finally regenerated in the kingdom of heaven (universe) forever, and the tree of hope (life) restored for eternity. The characters represent the family unit, waiting for the coming of the glorious return of Yahshua, the Messiah, on the clouds. Revelation 1:7 This "God's Eye" work of art was awarded as door prize at the "Au-delà de la différence" (beyond the difference) presentation at the Cité des Jeunes A.-M. Sormany on June 7, 2012. So, anyone with a love of truth, read carefully, “The Heart of Friendship” whose author is my brother René, whom I love and appreciate. He published this text on February 14, 2024, Valentine's Day. The french pages |
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